Saturday, May 16, 2009

He's Home!

It is absolutely amazing how quickly babies grow. This little guy is only 3 1/2 weeks old and looks so much bigger than the day he was born. Being naked was not his favorite thing! Although mom and dad said he always sleeps after he eats, he resisted the urge today. We were able to get a few sleeping baby shots but most of the time, he wanted to check everyone out.

His sister is a real cutie too!

What a great family! It was a pleasure to spend time having fun with the kids today and I thank them all!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cute Niece & Nephews

We got to spend a fun afternoon with family. I was playing with my camera and a new lens, so couldn't resist taking some fun photos of my very cute nieces and nephews.

The new lens has an aperture of 1.4, so I played around shooting wide open quite a bit today. It's a lot more challenging than I thought trying to get exact focus with an aperture that wide! But, the nicely blurred backgrounds more than make up for the challenge!

We're hoping we soon get some real May weather. It's been chilly and very rainy. I don't think we've gone for more then four days without rain for the last month! I'm not sure global warming has come to the midwest.