The good news is that the cold, wet autumn has given us the most beautiful fall we've had for years. The colors were gorgeous and the leaves stayed on the trees in full color for several weeks.
Our department at work had a silent auction last year so we could adopt a family for Christmas (great idea by the way - lots of fun things to buy and all for a good cause!). One of my contributions was a photo-shoot. We thought we'd never get it in, with me being in a walking boot for most of August, September and part of October, and the cold, dreary October weather.
However, Mother Nature surprised us and gave us a fabulous weekend for the first weekend in November -- great for fall photography.
The girls' pup is a best friend and a wonder dog. A few years ago, brand new to the family, she located their grandparents' dog who had been missing for over a week. It's an amazing story.

Sisters who are best friends! Does it get any better?