Since I wanted to play outside all day, my dad decided to make a snowman. All three of us pups liked the snowman, particularly me.

Here I am trying my darndest to get that pineapple mouth.

I could see that Hanny had her eyes on the yummy pineapple. I can jump really high. But, I couldn't jump high enough to get it. Luckily, dad didn't let Hanny eat it.
I also liked it when dad threw the snowballs. I tried to jump high and catch them. I am a real acrobat. I think I would make a good frisbee dog. You can see in the second picture that I caught it. Wow, was it icy and cold!
I kept a close watch on that snowman after dad made us go into the house. I was looking out the window after dinner and discovered that the pineapple mouth had fallen to the ground. Just so you know, we Norfolk terriers are scavengers and never pass up food. My ancestors used to be barn dogs and had to find their own meals, usually rats. So....... my instincts took over. I faked having to go potty, ran outside and gobbled the pineapple, as my mom (who has been using a cane, so couldn't come outside to get me) tried to call me in. I know better and go DEAF when it's convenient. She would have taken that tasty pineapple away from me. Yum, it was good and I didn't share with Hanny or Fen.
Mom has been really sad she hasn't been able to get outside during the winter snows and foggy days to use her camera. So, today, she took it with her on a short ride and said she played around with slow shutter speeds as she sat in the moving car. Kind of fun.
I hope all my relatives in Maryland have as much fun in the snow as I did, particularly my mom Geordie.
Signing off now....
Royal Chesapeake Kauffman Camden Brett