The Norfolk terrier puppy, Kauffman, went out first thing and promptly started to dig under the new snow into the freshly laid dirt that was brought in this week to finish off the landscape grading after last year's remodel.
I'm letting him out on a lead now, so all he can do is sit at the door and wistfully remember the early morning hours of digging - for the resident mole I assume.

"Fenway the Elder", a Border terrier, wants none of the snow and would prefer to snuggle in his. bed.
"Hanny Bannany", our little girl Border terrier, is in between, not minding the snow, particularly with her jeans jacket to stay warm but liking the snuggling she can get inside on my lap. She is doing pretty well, considering she has bladder cancer. We're hoping all the home-cooked meals and flax seed diet are helping. It's been two months since her tumor was discovered. To keep her hydrated, we give her and the other dogs yogurt and crushed ice smoothies, with blueberries mixed in.

Please, Mother Nature, I'm begging you - warm up so I can use the new porch that I can only look at from the warmth of the new sunroom.