Sunday, August 29, 2010

Summer tans

This family is so great.  The kids are always up for the photography sessions each year.  The smiles are always so BIG!

They're back in school and summer tans are fading, but we captured them perfectly.

Jump on the count of three!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge

Fenway and Millie - July 2010

My sister's Border "Millie" was my introduction to Border Terriers. She is my
dog Fenway's half sibling - same mother, different dads.

Mille was the sweetest little dog, very mellow. We always laughed that she was
raised by my sister's older Lab. However, she was a real huntress - the terrier
came out when she saw critters invade her yard. The nerve!

She was diagnosed with Cushings at age 8 but did well on meds my sister imported
from England.

She started going deaf at age 11 and really heard very little the last year or
so, except when the dinner dishes rattled. A true Border!

She started having accidents in the house regularly a few months ago and was
diagnosed with bladder cancer a few weeks ago. Her zest for life faded away
over the last few weeks and my sister and her husband made the tough decision
with the vet's advice to send her over the rainbow bridge where she could run
free. Her Lab sister Sandy, who tragically died a couple of months ago of
Exercise Induced Collapse syndrome, was waiting to meet her.

I told my sister that all the Borders who have crossed would be there for her
too. Bless you Millie - you were a wonderful pup. Catch all the critters you
want and pal around with Sable, Sandy, Camden and Brett, your buddies from KC.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Visitors from St. Louis

My nephew, Sean, Mandy and their sons, as well as my sister and her husband visited a couple of weekends ago.  The focal point of the weekend was a big surprise for Sean from Mandy -  a ride-along in an Indy car at the Kansas Speedway.

The whole family was looking forward to seeing our St. Louis visitors, including dad and Delia and Liz, my stepsister, who came into town.

The surprise was kept well.  My sister's husband told Sean that there was a GTO show at the Speedway he was driving his restored 1967 GTO into town for.  He and my sister braved 90+ degree weather, driving across I-70 from St. Louis to KC with no air conditioning - that's love for you!

We all got to the speedway, where Sean, truly surprised, signed in and then waited in line for 1 1/2 hours only to have the event cancelled due to rain.  The good news is that he got a gift certificate for a future ride.  All in all, we had a great time.  The Speedway is fascinating.  My great-nephew was enthralled with the Indy cars and we all got a good weekend of visiting in.

The family boys with Earl and his personally restored 1967 GTO
Air-conditioning - the old 4-70

The NASCAR experience

He's wondering if he'll ever be this close again to an Indy car

Next restoration - an Indy car?

My great-nephews

Grandma's a kisser

The generations - Great-grandpa, daughter, grandson and great-grandsons

Oh, to be 14 months old
What a smile!