Friday, April 20, 2012

First Communion

I have had to privilege of taking the First Communion photos for my friend's family.  Her brothers came first a few years ago and now it was the youngest's turn.  She was absolutely beautiful in her pretty dress.  You just have to love the red hair, all done in ringlets and crowned with a sprig of white flowers.  She didn't want to smile since she's lost some teeth, but I caught a few with a big grin anyway.  I have photographed this family since the kids were little and just love watching them grow up - it happens all too fast!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

My grandson, his moms and Jen's mom and brother, as well as my sister and her family, joined us for an Easter brunch at our house.  The favorite Easter bunny gift ever was a bubble machine that blew a cascade of bubbles.  Our Norfolk terrier was fascinated.

My grandson was enamored with the machine, as were we.  

The look on his face says it all - GREAT PRESENT!

Posing after a job well done

At the end of the day, he decided to see what blowing bubbles into his eye would be like.  All boy - no harm done!